Fire Sprinkler
MegaFlex Sprinkler Drop Hose 48" (3/4") Braided with Preassembled Bracket UL/FM
SKU: 6531177
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Potter VSR Series Vane Type Water Flow Switch 3"(WFD30)
SKU: 7710010
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Extended 401 Skirt only 6" Aluminum(WH)
SKU: 4525289WH-SKIRT-6
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Fire Sprinkler Gauge Kit 600# Plastic Back
SKU: 6510179KIT
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Fire Sprinkler Extension Brass 1-1/2" L x 3/4" IPS **NO WARRANTY-USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
SKU: 6520248
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Wafer Butterfly Valve 6" w/Double Tamper 300# UL,FM
SKU: 6520258
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Flexible Sprinkler Drop Center Bracket fits 3-Bend and Megaflex
SKU: 6530184
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Escutcheon Pendant Cup (f/ 2pc 401) BR 3/4"
SKU: 4510002BR
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